Thursday, April 02, 2015

Bungalow villages

A fad which is just now receiving considerable support from a certain class of people is the formation of what are called 'bungalow villages.' The idea is said to owe its origin to a few ladies who, desirous of living in the country, were prevented from doing so on account of the high rents, and heavy railway fares. Accordingly, a scheme occurred to one of them to erect wooden frame houses (or iron if preferred) in a retired spot, miles away from an ordinary habitation, and it has since been carried out, two or three streets of this description being now in existence about twenty-five miles from Charing Cross. The ground, of course, is either obtained on lease or the freehold bought, and the total expense is said to be considerably under  £20 a year.

Clutha Leader
24 December 1886
Page 3

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