Sunday, December 12, 2010

The kids are alright, sort of

Napier 9-year-old Matisse Reid - the girl who can't eat - was yesterday in a bad way in a Pittsburgh hospital after undergoing two surgeries in the past few days to correct a rare intestinal condition.

The girl at the centre of a business dispute between a Kiwi events company and celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay had a small and large intestine transplant this week.

Gordon James Ramsey OBE, do you accept this child as your responsibility, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health? Do you accept that your absence from a fund-raising event means that your name will be forever linked with the fortunes of this girl? Do you accept the blame, Mr Ramsey? Well, do you?

In other news, the Coddington takes ten paragraphs to get to the "well excuse me" moment, a personal best and possibly a Commonwealth record in this event. Her radical solution to the problem of teenage girls being paid to have babies is to make the family pay, although she then claims these girls are raised below the poverty line.

In better news, Tony Ryall has dropped his mean-spirited plan to end by stealth the fruit in schools programme.

The HoS also has Paul Holmes venting about Wikileaks but someone had the good sense and deceny to keep it off the website.

Here's the Who in Hyde Park; once more with feeling, chaps:

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